We have a standard shipping & handling charge of $15.00 to businesses in the continental US. This flat $15.00 s/h is charged regardless of the size of the order. We ship most Wholesale orders by UPS Ground. Please call for special shipping (FedEx, overnight, etc.). Wholesale (Resale) Orders are not charged any Sales Tax.
Dealers with established credit: Net 30 days. New Dealers: Apply for credit by sending or faxing their Company Credit Statement. New Dealers are encouraged to order COD or with a company credit card until their credit is established.
Minimum order is $250.00 (no exceptions).
For latest Wholesale Pricing, call (800) 531-4890 or e-mail us at: [email protected] and put "Wholesale Price List" in the subject line.
Please browse our store and become familiar with our different models.
You may also wish to order from our Main Distributors.
Wholesale Distributor
Defender Industries
All things nautical
Wholesale Distributor
Myerchin UK European Wholesale Distributor & Supplier
Unit G1 Roman Hill Business Park, Broadmayne, Dorchester, Dorset DT2 8LY. United Kingdom
Tel +44(0)1305 302304, Fax +44(0)1305 257552, Mob +44(0)7808 093354
[email protected] , www.myerchin.co.uk
• Myerchin, Inc . Dunns Number: 363709262
• Supplies SIN: 613-001
• You can order all Myerchin Rigging Knives as "Open Market Items"
• There are no shipping charges on Government Orders for standard shipping. Please call for special government pricing. If you order on our website at retail prices, we will charge and ship at the website retail price. For lower exclusive government pricing and quicker service please email us at [email protected] with a list of the products you want, quantities of each item, shipping information, telephone number and contact person. We accept: Net 30 days (2% Discount for 10 day payment), and Govt. credit cards.

• Minimum order is $75.00
• For latest Govt Pricing, call (800) 531-4890 or e-mail us at: [email protected]